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Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of some of Syndicate Bio’s frequently asked questions.

What do I stand to benefit from the genetic testing of my sample?
Genetic testing of your sample can provide valuable information about the specific genetic mutations driving your cancer. This information helps your doctor tailor a treatment plan that's most effective for your condition, potentially improving outcomes and reducing unnecessary side effects.
Are there any side effects for giving my sample to be tested?
Providing a sample for genetic testing is generally safe and involves minimal risk. If a blood sample is required, you might experience slight discomfort or bruising at the needle site. If a tissue sample is needed, it is usually taken during a procedure you are already undergoing. The testing process itself poses no physical side effects.
Will my sample be used for any other purposes other than finding out more about my sickness?
No, your sample will be used solely to understand and diagnose your condition unless you give explicit consent for additional uses, such as research. We adhere strictly to privacy regulations to protect your personal information.
Will the results of my test be explained to me?
Yes, your healthcare team will thoroughly explain the test results to you. They will help you understand what the findings mean for your health and treatment options.
Who will explain the results of my test to me?
Your doctor will go over the results with you. They are trained to interpret genetic information and can answer any questions you may have.
Apart from my doctor, can I get a copy of my result?
Yes, you are entitled to a copy of your test results. You can request it from your healthcare provider.
Why do I need genetic testing?
Genetic testing can identify specific genetic changes associated with your cancer. Knowing these details allows your doctor to select the most effective treatments and avoid those that may not work for you.
Why do I need NGS for my test?
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is an advanced technology that analyzes multiple genes simultaneously. Using NGS provides a comprehensive view of genetic factors influencing your cancer, leading to a more accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.
Can I trust the result from this test?
Yes, you can trust the results. The tests are conducted in accredited laboratories using highly reliable technology and are performed by experienced professionals following strict quality control measures.
Will I need to repeat this test after completing my treatment?
It depends on your specific case. Sometimes, follow-up testing is recommended to monitor your response to treatment or to check for any changes. Your doctor will advise you if additional testing is necessary.
Will my sample be used for research purposes?
Your sample will not be used for research unless you provide explicit consent. If you're interested in contributing to research that may benefit others in the future, please discuss this with your healthcare provider.
What if I have more questions about my sickness or the genome testing?
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact your doctor or a member of your healthcare team. They are here to support you and provide all the information you need.